vultr SLA 不怎么靠谱

前两天vultr JP 机房一台小鸡搭建的tracker 打不开了,以为是nginx出了问题,赶紧ssh 连上检查一下,结果发现网站目录下面文件全都消失了,然后又很惊讶地发现nginx mysql啥的全都被卸载了,以为是有后门被黑了,感觉又不像,软件全都被卸载了。后来在vultr的后台发TK问了,回复


Thank you for contacting us.

In the past 24 hours, we sent notification of a node failure impacting your cloud server listed above.

Despite extensive efforts, our attempts to manually recover your cloud server were unsuccessful.

Our engineering team has deployed new instances with the same operating system and IP, and you should have received login details in a separate message. This re-installation would be what caused the host keys to change.

You have our apologies for any inconvenience that this may have caused, and we have applied a two month account credit for the affected services.

Thank you,
Lee M.
Systems Administrator


这种敲竹杠的好机会当然不能放过,然后我找vultr 要 500美元的赔偿,和预期一样被拒绝了,引用了一大波TOS这里就不贴出来。

总而言之,Vultr 的 SLA 水平和Linode比起来差了一大截, Vultr感觉就是一个大玩具,练练手操一下比较合适,不太适合把money site放在上面。


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